You turned your back on Tibet and voiced that your boss will turn a blind eye to PROC human rights abuses. For those of you who are still unaware of what I am talking about regarding China here ya go. From CBS news:
There was absolutely no hint of the old Hillary Clinton, who as First Lady in 1995, skewered Beijing for its human rights violations starting with its treatment of women.
Today when she was asked what happened to human rights, she said little more than that it still comes up: "Human rights is an essential part of U.S. foreign policy.
Clinton told Andrews off camera that the U.S. will still push on women's rights and Tibetan freedom, but suggested that compared to the global agenda with China, human rights have a lower priority. [In other words, money is more important. How fucking noble Hillary]
"But our pressing on those issues can't interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crises," she told reporters. [No, we certainly don't want freedom from persecution and genocide getting in the way of the Federal Reserve's Ponzi scheme to bilk us out of trillions of dollars so the rich can get richer and the American middle class can continue to be raped. What's a human life worth in comparison? Not much I guess. Fuck you Hillary, and fuck your worthless piece of shit boss too]
The CBS news story is wrong about one thing. It is not Hillary making this call, not on her own at least. It is her boss. She is just the willing little parrot sitting on his shoulder towing the line while innocent peope die in the name of global economic stability. That's even more pathetic. It has been argued by the pathetic that she is advocating the "politics of inclusion," that bringing China into the fold is better in the long term for human rights. Your husband advocated that notion as President. How's that working out for Tibet Hillary?
Like this:

Here's a policy idea Madame Secretary: how about your worthless dumbass boss not spending us into oblivion so we don't have to keep going hat in hand to the Chinese with the promise of a blind eye? Not that it would matter. It was your husband after all that granted "Most Favored Nation" status to China. He compromised the lives of Tibetans and Chinese dissidents so why shouldn't you? Oh, but you're just following orders.
Now you willingly lie for your boss in public.
So that there is no misunderstanding of what is happening here by those that still think Hillary is the shit I have followed the links from JOSHUAPUNDIT so that you can see the fall for yourselves in no uncertain terms.
On Friday, Clinton stated that she was unaware that there were any agreements between the Shrub administration and Israel on settlement expansion:
"I do not recall any agreement between Israel and George Bush's… previous government, according to which Israel will be authorized to extend the construction of settlements in the West Bank," Clinton said at a news conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu at the State Department.Lies.
"There is no memory of any informal and oral agreements. If they did occur, which of course people say they did, they did not become part of the official position of the United States government.
"And there are contrary documents that suggest that they were not to be viewed as in any way contradicting the obligations that Israel undertook pursuant to the road map."
Here is the truth. In a May 24th article on the Washington Post, Elliot Abrams confirms that such an agreement was reached privately between the Sharon government and the Shrub administration.
Netanyahu spokesman Mark Regev said there are no plans for a full settlement freeze. "The issue of settlements is a final status issue, and until there are final status arrangements, it would not be fair to kill normal life inside existing communities," he said.
Regev said the Israeli government is relying on "understandings" between former president George W. Bush and former prime minister Ariel Sharon that some of the larger settlements in the occupied West Bank would ultimately become part of Israel, codified in a letter that Bush gave to Sharon in 2004. In an interview with The Washington Post last year, Sharon aide Dov Weissglas said that in 2005, when Sharon was poised to remove settlers from Gaza, the Bush administration arrived at a secret agreement -- not disclosed to the Palestinians -- that Israel could add homes in settlements it expected to keep, as long as the construction was dictated by market demand, not subsidies.
Elliott Abrams, a former deputy national security adviser who negotiated the arrangement with Weissglas, confirmed the deal in an interview last week. "At the time of the Gaza withdrawal, there were lengthy discussions about how settlement activity might be constrained, and in fact it was constrained in the later part of the Sharon years and the Olmert years in accordance with the ideas that were discussed," he said. "There was something of an understanding realized on these questions, but it was never a written agreement."
It is not Clinton's place to determine what is official policy and what is not. There was an oral agreement between the sides. It has been confirmed by the man who negotiated the deal.
Clinton is lying for Obama, period.
There was an oral agreement Hillary. Saying there isn't doesn't make it so. You have joined the ranks of Colin Powell, your integrity in the gutter while you piss on what you said in Beijing in 1995.
You sicken me.
Resign now and denounce Obama or stand as an enemy of Israel, an enabler of the Chinese genocide in Tibet, and an enabler of Sudan's genocide in Darfur. Resign now and denounce Obama or forfeit any moral standing to speak on human rights again, as anything more than a hypocrite.
Resign now.
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