I have a hard and fast rule to not get romantically involved with the children of psychologists and psychiatrists. My experience has always been that they spend their lives being analyzed and so cannot help doing it to their partners. I broke that rule once, in a very big way, and ended up regretting it, making a new rule: when I make a rule it is not to be broken. I broke that rule in 2008.
I think that both the Republican and Democratic Parties are the same evil, and make no mistake...they are evil institutions beyond redemption, unworthy of your votes, money, and effort. They have ruined our country in innumerable ways; the games they play are responsible for the corruption and erosion of our Constitution, and are responsible for the deaths of millions.
I think I have related the story here of how I watched my mother break down in tears in 1980 when she came home from voting for Ronald Reagan. She didn't want to, but wanted Carter defeated. She could have voted for Anderson (which I did in my school's mock election), but she thought that would have helped Carter. I swore I would never vote for someone who I didn't think should win. But the first Presidential election I voted for I ended up voting against a candidate. I voted for Dukakis against Shrub the Elder. Not because I thought Dukakis was such great shakes, but he wasn't Shrub the Elder who I knew I didn't want in the White House. I voted for Bill Clinton in '92 because I bought into him a little, and because I wanted Shrub the Elder gone. By the time that was over I had enough of voting against candidates and decided that if there was no one on the ballot that I considered not evil I would write someone in.
I voted for a made up person in 1996, and got interviewed while leaving the polls. I made up a whole story about my fictional candidate and they printed a blurb in the paper. In 2000 I think I voted for Gore. Again, that was an against the other guy vote. But after the Florida fiasco it was just too much. I voted for my dog in 2004. It was only the second time I felt good about voting for President. The first time was the fictional person.
In 2008 I broke all my rules. I supported Hillary Clinton. I don't regret the effort I put into her campaign, but I do regret letting myself believe that if she won, things would be different. I don't regret joining the PUMA/Just Say No Deal Coalition and fighting for democratic process. When the primaries were over and we engaged in taking on the Democrap Party we were really fighting for something. We wanted the DNC to play by the rules. We wanted Hillary to get a fair shake at the convention. When she suspended her campaign on June 7 we held out hope for a floor fight, in spite of the way superidiots were lining up behind the chosen one. We let ourselves be duped by Harold Ickes who opened the door for a challenge before the Credentials Committee, even though we knew the deck would be stacked against her.
She made no challenge. There was no floor fight. And the final insult was her calling for the vote of acclaimation from the convention floor, rather than forcing the DNC to go full bore with their sham roll call, rather than fight for her delegates' votes. I realized that we weren't fighting for Hillary. How could we be when she wasn't in the fight with us? We were fighting for ourselves. We were fighting for our country, for democratic process. That was important, and I don't regret it. What I regret was letting myself believe that our struggle was Hillary's struggle. Looking at her now it is clear to me that this was not the case.
I have made my disgust with her enabling of Obama's Israel policy well known here, and elsewhere. But listening to Carlin today reminded me of something that I let get by me; her visit to China.
The Chinese Communist regime is probably the most brutal in the modern era since the Nazis, who really only had a little more than a decade of life in Germany. Their repression and slaughter of their opponents is no secret, and yet the top nation, the leader of the free world, has granted them most favored nation status. Our shelves are flooded with their goods. They hold our economy in the palm of their hand, buying our debt. And that sword of Damocles hangs over us, and will continue to do so for years.
On her first foreign mission Secretary Clinton went to China. But she did not go as she did in 1995 when she blew the world away, declaring that women's rights are human rights, defying her husband, and the Chinese government, shaming them by throwing their human rights abuses in their faces. No, this time she went as Obama's lackey, and as China's supplicant. She made it immediately known that the Obama administration, the official administration of HOPE and CHANGE was not going to be getting in China's ear about human rights, but please, keep supporting our spending habit.
It was reported to me, by someone I campaigned for Hillary with, that she was challenged by a journalist on this. Seems like some folks expected that the woman who gave that speech in '95 would be taking some kind, any kind of stance, on China's human rights abuses. Her response was basically that she risked death to give that speech and that anyone who questioned her commitment need look no further. I'm sorry Secretary Clinton, but I will look further.
You criticized your boss during the primaries, and rightfully so, that he was a lot of speech making and "change you can xerox." Now you expect us to rely on your words to reassure us that you still care. Again, I'm afraid I must look further...all the way to Tibet. And you, dear readers, will look too.

And though I risk having this blog shut down by my hosts for mentioning this; Google supports this too. To make money off the Chinese they filter searches on Tibet in China so the government can keep their dirty little secret away from the Chinese people. All in the name of money.
When you vote for Republicans and Democrats this is what you are voting for. Look at those pictures again and think about what you want for America. Are you going to shrug your shoulders and say, "What else am I gonna do?"
A President can't change the world. A President won't change the world. Nothing we do will change anything if we don't effect the change here. Destroy the two party system. Vote against incumbents. Create new forums, more new media with the voice and power to shut down the MSM permanently as they abdicated their responsibility years ago and serve no purpose other than mouthpiece for whatever agenda their bosses back. Create new institutions based on the rule of law, not evil. And for those of you out there still worshipping Hillary, stop. She chose to be counted among all that we stand against when she took her new assignment and refused to speak out, refused to stand up. Instead she's a parrot in the face of anti-semitism and the genocidal policies of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, and the genocidal policy of the People's Republic of China against Tibet.
While the Fraud playing President went to placate other brutal and repressive regimes, and kiss the ass of leaders of a religion that sanctions that brutality, in the name of change and trust, he only wants to slip us deeper into our dependence on China. How much more silent will our government be on things that matter? Ask the Resident how much more money, money that we don't have, he wants to spend.
1 comment:
RAWA is an organisation I have supported for a long time that fights the horros with the truth
because we must do what we can
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