Whenever I begin to doubt the power of the collective unconscious, I merely have to read Caroline Glick. Sometimes I think that she is probing my mind while I sleep. Case in point, Glick's latest column arguing that the Netanyahu government should be the first to back the anti-government protestors in Iran.
Let me say that it is disgraceful that we ourselves are not in the streets pissing nails that Marack and his cast of idiots are sitting around with their thumbs jammed up their collective rear while Iranian blood is being shed in the name of democracy. Marack wants to get in bed with the mullahs so badly that he is missing an opportunity to help bring Iran to a tipping point that could bring down the theocracy that Glick correctly describes as "one of the most heinous regimes on the face of the earth," which it is beyond doubt, which raises in even sharper relief the question of why Marack is so willing to kiss their ass.
The Iranian government is guilty of the same actions for which he points at the Shrub administration shouting, "J'accuse!" only to the extreme; the torturing and immoral incarceration of citizens, and worse. Marack loses the false veneer of his supposed moral superiority as the death toll climbs, and the days tick by.
Netanyahu, who is on the receiving end of the same j'accusing finger, should be standing up in league with the protestors. He has nothing to lose. The Iranian public does not possess the vehement Jew hate espoused by the mullahs and rabid mouth piece Igogettajob. In fact, as Glick correctly points out, the Farsi broadcast of Israel radio is widely listened to in Iran. To have the backing of the only real democracy in the region would be a shot in the arm to the protestors who, at the moment, are wholly and totally friendless in the international community. Let us remember that the EU has also been silent, most likely too paranoid of retribution from the jihadists in their midst, continuing Europe's post-WWII tradition of cowardice in the face of totalitarianism. In fact, the only thing the EU seems to have the balls to do, like Marack, is condemn Israel...quelle surprise.
I have argued here that Netanyahu, in being the only head of a legitimate democracy standing up to Marack's totalitarianism, is the leader of the free world. This position would be cemented by his supporting of the anti-government protestors.
Glick writes:
"...Israel would stand to gain politically in a number of ways. First and foremost, it would be doing the right thing morally and so would earn the respect of millions of people throughout the world who are dismayed at their own governments' silence in the face of the brave Iranian protesters risking their lives for freedom.
"Moreover, by acting as the loudest and first democratic champion of the protesters, Israel would catapult itself to the forefront of the campaign for democracy in the Muslim world. Doing so would make it far easier for Israel's representatives throughout the world to defend against false accusations by self-described human rights organizations that Israel is a human rights abuser.~snip~
"Were Netanyahu to explain that the same mullahs who seek to disenfranchise and repress the Iranian people seek to destroy Israel with nuclear bombs; were he to call for Iran to stop financing Hamas and Hizbullah terrorists who are reportedly now deployed in Iran to brutalize the protesters, and instead invest in the Iranian economy for the benefit of Iran's people, he would be sending a message that already resonates with the people of Iran.
"Finally, Israeli outreach to the Iranian people now struggling to overthrow the regime would expose the Obama administration's effective support for the mullahs against their people in all its absurdity and moral blindness. What's more, the administration would be unable to launch a counterattack. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Obama would be in no position to attack Israel for supporting Iranian dissidents demanding freedom. And their stammering reaction would make their attacks against Jewish building in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria look ever more ridiculous."
Yes, yes yes! I have nothing to add, except for the fact that anyone on this planet that perceives that Marack holds any moral authority must be as morally bankrupt as he has shown himself to be over the past year.
In spite of the insanity that we are living through, it is comforting, at least it is to me, that someone halfway around the world is thinking what I'm thinking so much of the time.
For his part, Marack is concerned about Ali Khameini's "tenor and tone." Apparently Marack is organizing a chorus of tyrants and Khameini can't carry a tune. What did the Obamaborgs see in this asshat.
May the peace of the Sabbath be upon you dear readers. Shabbat Shalom.
isnt she great !!!She is fucking fanfreaking tastic !!!
Sounds like a win/win for Israel/the Iranian people, and a lose/lose for Sir Barksalot and Icantgetajob.
I know. How can you not love her?
In the end, the protests may be broken...there isn't much Israel can do physically...but Israel is a nation that, better than most, knows what it means to stand alone, and how valuable a voice of support can be.
I love it! The New Leader Of The Free World.
If you're interested in reading a piss poor analysis about what's happening in Iran read Debbie Schlussel, who still thinks the protests are about Moussavi, and who thinks she knows what Mossad is thinking based on a couple of media statements.
She ought to be working for Marack.
But from reading the comments, it appears that some of the readers are actually using their heads outside of their ass.
Schlussel also fails to acknowledge the demands that are beginning to be circulated by the protestors, including Khameini being removed from power, the shutting down of the secret police, and constitutional reform.
It's called research Debbie. You might try it some time instead of just being a rabid reactionary.
Whether this ends with any real change in Iran remains to be seen. If history has taught us anything it's that the protestors will probably having their blood spilled in horrendous numbers (that's a lot of faux blood). But if they have the numbers who knows what will happen.
Whatever the outcome, this is no longer about Moussavi. Those that think it is are not paying attention.
Love Caroline Glick's attitude and she's right. The Iranian protesters need all the support they can get. Sure hope they can continue protesting on Sunday but most of the most important work will be behind the scenes. To hell with Mousavi, Khamenei and all the rest. The youth of Iran need to overthrow their religious fanatic oppressors. If they can do that, there'd be a real chance for peace in the ME.
They are skateboarding in the White House while Tehrans people take to the streets.. and die ....
skateboarding while Tehran burns that will be his legacy ....
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