What's that sound? Is it a falling bomb? A flying sheep plummeting out of a tree? Nope, it's Marack's poll numbers with the Israeli public. Seems the Changeling is rapidly falling out of favor with Israelis who are, once again, demonstrating a far greater degree of political savvy than dumbass Americans who would vote for a badger if it promised them free cable.
According to recently released poll numbers, only 6% of those polled think Marack is pro-Israel. Fifty percent think his policies are more pro-Palestinian than pro-Israeli, while 36% think they are neutral, and 8% did not give an opinion.
On the eve of Bibi's meeting with king Fraud 31% thought Marack's policies were pro-Israel while only 14% considered them pro-Palestinian. Wow, a 25 point drop in a month! Well, my mom has always said that if you should excel at what you do. Marack excels at pissing off Israelis, and there doesn't seem to be any let up.
In light of the fact that Hamas is actively aiding the Iranian mullacracy put down anti-government protests, and their latest vocalization that they refuse to recognize Israel, despite the Jimmy Carter rim job they got this week, the Pajama Game, as noted at Israel Matsav is now pressuring Israel again with the Gaza crossings, which Israel is keeping closed with the exception of humanitarian aid, in an effort to pressure Hamas to release Gilad Shalit, who is facing his third anniversary in captivity (Jimmy must really hate the Jews to have shit rubbed in his face by Hamas but still smile and say, "Gee you guys are swell.").
The release of Shalit has not been tied to any conditions for Hamas to receive US aid, or made any kind of demand that he be released. This administration has not a care for the lives of Jews, and it's about time that Jews worldwide woke up and realized it. In fact, the flagrant lack of morality displayed by this administration is starting to make Dick Cheney look like a Peace Prize nominee. I point again to the silence on Iran, the lack of condemnation of Hamas for supporting the violent actions against the Iranian people, and lack of American response to the Iranian public's obvious thirst for democracy.
Isn't this what we've wanted all these years? Haven't we wanted the youth of Iran to rise up and demand their freedom from the religious autocrats who arrested and killed their parents when the theocracy took power? Marack, Clinton, and Mitchell condemn Israel for taking the only actions, apart from military options, they can to secure their kidnapped soldier and the response from the US is, "Go fuck yourselves," but Hamas can kill Iranians in the streets and that's cool?!? I know it must seem like I'm beating a dead horse here, but really...WHAT THE FUCK?
For the doubters out there who still refuse to see it, I think it's safe to say that Marack supports Jihadism over democracy. There is no contrary evidence anyone can point to that refutes this.
At this point Bibi has nothing to lose. In light of the continued Arab rejection of the establishing of a Palestinian state and recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, and the Marack administration's insistence that it need not honor previous agreements between Israel and the Shrub administration, the Israeli government should make a formal statement that it is no longer going to be held, nor be party to any prior agreements i.e. Oslo, the roadmap etc.
Honestly, I think that it may take Marack banning the sale of Hebrew National hotdogs to get American Jews to wise up like the Israelis have.
I was one of those Catholics who found himself surround by a bunch of other Catholics who actually believe that the Jews are responsible for Killing Jesus Christ. Their anti-semitism took other forms, but that one was the most ludicrous. If it was Jews who were so responsible, then what about the pentecost account in Acts? Yep. Surrounded I was, and vilified for having the seeds to say, "Hey wait just a minute...our roots are in Judaism!" I almost got stoned by an angry mob. Never the less, it's true. God's blessing on Israel continues as long as the Sun and Moon continue to hang in the sky. And it seems to me, there's an awful curse that goes along with turning your back on and betraying Israel. We're about to get ours if we let Obama have his way. So, all these years, I have been thinking, 'there's something terribly wrong with anti-semetism. I couldn't put my finger on it exactly, until I learned that- all those funny feasts that the Jews have? They're really God's feasts...and if we say we believe in and obey God...we had better wake up and obey his command to keep those feasts. Our lives could very well depend on it. In light of this, can there be any room anywhere in this world for something as ignorant and evil as what anti semitism preaches? Don't let this country turn its back on Israel! If that happens, we greatly insult God, and betray ourselves in the process.
Jimmy Carter needs an emergency admission to a locked psyche unit, until he hcan be permanently admitted to a locked alzheimers unit in a nursing home where he is not permitted to wander off and hurt innocent people .
Or he needs to be charged with hate crimes .
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