The streets of Tehran have erupted in protests, the likes of which we have not seen since Khomeini returned to Iran after eating all those heavy sauces in France. What is Marack doing? Basically the equivalent of, "Well, isn't that special." Bobby "Stop Asking Questions" Gibbs says Marack is "impressed with the vigorous debate and enthusiam this election has generated," and they're watching the situation, "closely." I feel much better.
Housin Mousavi is under house arrest, and the rioting is in its second day. So let me get this straight, the man who made a moral equivalence between the victims of the Holocaust and Arab refugees says the moral equivalent of nothing in the face of a megalomaniacal mullah backed madman stealing an election. Wait...that's what happened with Marack getting nominated and elected too. I suppose he and Igogettajob are now blood brothers or something. They should swap spit on MSNBC. Keith and Chris would probably soil their drawers.
The violence on the streets in Iran is continuing today, while Mousavi calls for the election results to be cancelled. Under normal circumstances I would expect an American President to take a firm stand with a country that has thwarted the international community's efforts to inspect and regulate its nuclear program, and suppresses the electoral will of the people. But since Marack Insane Pajama is in the White House I suspect we'll just have to accept that he will do nothing, with the possible exception of more of his running around with his nose smelling like Igogettajob's rear.
Let's see...what else...oh, speaking of getting a tingle up your leg, Jimmy Carter confesses his love for the Palestinians. He must love them more since kassam rockets hit Ashkelon today. And here's another heartwarming reason for him to love them. A fifteen year old Arab boy was killed by his family. Either they accidently beat him to death and faked a hanging because they didn't mean to kill him, or they beat him and then hung him as they suspected he was collaborating with Israel.
The PA preliminary investigation indicates the boy was "brutally tortured" before being his family. Apparently the villagers thought he had either killed himself, or was playing a game with his, really.
If the villagers actually thought it was possible that he was hung as part of a game with friends it makes me wonder if "hang the Israel collaborator" is their version of kick the can.
General Adnan Damiri expressed his "outrage" at the crime that was committed solely by family members. There seem to be conflicting stories depending on the news outlet you read. The one consistency seems to be that the boy is dead and his family is responsible. Damiri says the perps will be tried. Interesting. Of course, if it turns out the boy was working with the Israelis he'd be the youngest informer in PA history, and his family would most likely go free as hundreds of collaborators/informants have been openly executed by the Palestinians over the years.
But since the incident is being investigated, by all means, let's create a new state for the PA.
What I'm wondering is this; is it actually a crime for Arabs in the PA to kill collaborators? In a place where selling one's property to a Jew is capital crime, I'm going with "no" on that one. And in Gaza, run by the charitable and just Hamas, treatment of so-called collaborators with Israel have their rich pageants begin something like this:

This is not the "Amazing Race."
I think it must be the masks that make Jimmy so hot. In his heightened state of arousal, Dhimmi got confused and said there is no peace without Hamas. OMV is waiting patiently for him to correct himself to the more obvious, "There is no peace with Hamas." Where is that swimming rabbit when you need him?

Watership Down? Dumbass Peanut Farmer vs Swamp Bunny
"...if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth."
Jimmy the Dhimmi did magnanimously declare that Gush Etzion, according to what he "envisages," would stay in Jewish hands. Apparently it's close enough to the Green Line for his taste in Israeli national suicide. Jimmy, you're a regular Isaiah. Puke.
Still not convinced the PA is ready for a state of its own? Well then you must not have heard about the latest honor killing. Twenty-one year old Sadia abu Saad was found dead by police. Her father admitted he killed her to "preserve family honor." Nothing says honoring family like killing your own kin. Saad was the seventh honor killing victim in Gaza this year. I'm sure the Left will find a way to blame this on Israel.
So while Iran is degenerating into chaos, the PA is still demonstrating itself to be an anarchic medieval mafiafest, Hamas is still holding a kidnapped Israeli soldier, and is still firing rockets deep into Israel, the Prime Minister of Israel actually has to go through the exercise of explaining why his country's security interests trump creating a state for the PA mafia. And all because the American electorate is dumber than a bag of hammers and voted for this:
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