The Knesset Kvetching seems to be dying down. Bibi's ministers have fallen in line behind the leader of their coalition. Three Likud MKs, including Tzipi Hotovely, stood against him in the Likud Faction meeting, Hotovely expressing her disappointment that Bibi didn't set out more reservations around the creation of a Palestinian entity. MK Hotovely, you will have your day. If you haven't realized it by now Minister Hotovely, your party leader has laid down all the reservations he needed to illicit what I feel must be the final Arab rejection of UN Resolution 181 to be allowed.
UN Resolution 181 called for the partition of British Mandate Palestine [remember to keep in mind that there has never been an independent country called Palestine, nor was the creation of one called for when Judea and Samaria (West Bank) were in Jordanian hands.] into a Jewish state and an Arab state as worded in Part I, Section A, Article 3:
Independent Arab and Jewish States and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem, set forth in Part III of this Plan, shall come into existence in Palestine two months after the evacuation of the armed forces of the mandatory Power has been completed but in any case not later than 1 October 1948.It is an irrefutable fact that the Arabs rejected this partition and, upon Israel declaring independence from Britain as the Jewish state created by Resolution 181, invaded with the intention of destroying her and claiming all of what had been British Mandate Palestine as an Arab state. They failed.
Following the ceasefire between the Arabs and Israel in 1949 no moves were made to create an Arab state in the land that Jordan occupied. More military attempts to destroy Israel were made. Partition was not accepted. It was only after the Israeli ejection of the Jordanian army in 1967 that suddenly Palestinian nationalism mattered, as nothing more than a means to destory Israel where the Arab armies had failed.
The Partition Plan was rejected again in 2000 by Yasser Arafat, and again this past year by Mahmoud Abbas. And it was rejected again this week, not only by Abbas, but by all Arab leaders, including Hosni Mubarak, whose country has a treaty with Israel. He, Abbas, and the rest refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Read Resolution 181 gentlemen. It's quite explicit. A Jewish state was to be created, and it has been created. What hasn't happened is you accepting it, and taking the land you were offered to create a state next to it. You have rejected it again, and for what I feel must be the last time. Prime Minister Netanyahu has done the only logical thing under the circumstances: if you want Palestine, you must accept the Jewish Israel. If you reject that, you reject Palestine. You forfeit a state west of the Jordan. The time has now come to take this situation to its logical conclusion.
For 61 years the Arabs have refused to accept Israel, and either by military, terroristic, or economic means have sought to destroy her. Now, when one of Israel's most vociferous opponents to creating an Arab entity on historically Jewish land extends his hand, you played your part and demonstrated that there is absolutely no way that an Arab state can ever be allowed to exist in west of the Jordan River for if it is, under current circumstances, it will mean a continuation of the endless war until so many are dead, that so much Arab and Jewish blood will flow that even the land will cry out.
I have always held hope that peace could happen. I was raised to believe in the word of our prophets; that swords and spears would become plowshares and pruning hooks. Despite your unceasing enmity, I still believed. It would start by establishing economic symbiosis, which would lead to trust, and the alienation of the Palestinian Mafia Terror Kleptocrats who would eventually be pushed out. It would lead to Arab schools no longer teaching death to Israel which would lead to greater tolerance and understanding, and a rejection of violence. Then the walls and wire would come down, and a federation would take hold. The Arabs have ended that hope for me this week. A fool's hope, but hope none the less. Perhaps the prophets spoke of a different vision. Perhaps the peace can be made by Nehar HaYarden.
I can only see two alternatives. The Arabs are driven out by a war of their own making, a war that Abbas declared would happen as a result of Bibi's "outrageous" demand that the Arabs finally accept Israel as the Jewish state, as mandated in UN Resolution 181, or they leave on their own to the already existing Palestinian state called Jordan. I would say there is a third alternative; that the world community would finally stand up and demand that the Arabs accept the Jewish state and renounce violence. Perhaps Bibi's strategy will help stir the hearts of the world. I'm not counting on it. The world has hated us too long.
Enough blood has been shed, and clearly Mr. Abbas you do not believe in coexistence. Do Arab families in Judea and Samaria a favor; surrender your snuff film blood fantasy of destroying Israel and go across the river. It is enough. And if you hold out hope for Iran's nuclear weapons to finish the job that you cannot, remember your people will die there as well. It is madness. You are mad. Your life has been dedicated to hate. It is time to love your children more than you want to kill us. Go, and let Nehar HaYarden make the peace.
I was raised with the believe in teshuva: a turning, a returning to a good path. I was raised to believe that the door to this return must always be left open, for even the most wicked might one day awaken. And so I leave that door open in my heart for the teshuva, for the undoing of the wrong. But in this time, when once again our enemies close in around us, when they conspire to finish us, I must say one state, one people. Your continued blood lust gives me no other choice.
I'm going to continue to hope and pray for peace in Israel. Great post, kiddo.
Thanks Nunly! In my heart I suppose I've always known this to be true, but hoped it could go down differently. In the end, it would be an act of collective insanity to consent to a PA state now, all so Pampers can put it on his resume. I don't think so.
Very well said, Shtuey! There just doesn't seem to be any other way since the Arabs have shut down all other options for so many years. Repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different result is a good definition of insanity. At some point, Israel is going to have to be done with the peace process and just annex her ancient homeland. Jordan did it for 19 years so why can't Israel? The Arabs can be squeezed out through a natural process of expansion and gentrification. Cities do it all the time by raising taxes and with zoning restrictions.
...once again, a very stirring chain of thought. Many mahalos!
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