The Marack administration's latest attempt to bring Israel to heel, attempting to prevent Jews from building and living in East Jerusalem, has brought a vehement response from Prime Minister Netanyahu at his weekly cabinet meeting (it must be nice for the cabinet to meet weekly. Marack's cabinet has only met once.):
"[Jerusalem is the] unified capital of Israel and the capital of the Jewish people, and sovereignty over it is indisputable."Hundreds of apartments in the west of the city were purchased by Arabs and we didn't get involved. There is no prohibition against Arab residents buying apartments in the west of the city and there is no prohibition barring the city's Jewish residents from buying or building in the east of the city. That is the policy of an open city that is not divided.
"We cannot accept the notion that Jews will not have the right to buy apartments specifically in Jerusalem. I can only imagine what would happen if they were forbidden from purchasing apartments in New York or London; there would be an international outcry. This has always been Israel's policy and this is the policy of the current government."
The response from the Secretary of State was, "The negotiations are intense. They are ongoing."
No Madame Secretary, the negotiations are retarded, and a complete waste of Israel's time. The United States has made its position on Jerusalem quite clear. The US has not moved its embassy there. The US will not allow American citizens born in Jerusalem to designate Israel as their country of birth. Now the White House is telling Israel that Jews cannot build and live there. Those policies reflect the ongoing need of the United States government to hand its testicles to the Arabs who produce the oil that we so ravenously consume, for which we pay out the ass, as well as watch our government, Department of State, and Department of Defense routinely sell out our national security interests to these same Arabs who fund the radical jihadis that spend their lives figuring out how to kill us. They also reflect the Resident in the White House's unending need to dismantle Israel.
Ari Zivotofsky, the father of Menachem, who was denied the ability to have his passport list Israel has his country of birth said it all:
"This is about the US recognizing the sovereignty of Israel over any [part] of Jerusalem. We like to believe the US is our strongest ally, yet something so fundamental like this, even that little bit, our strongest ally refuses to recognize, it just sends a message."
Yes, it does send a message Ari, to Jews in America and Israel, and the message is, "Fuck you." At what point are Israelis, and American Jews for that matter, going to realize that the United States is not the friend of Israel that we all like to think it is? When they turn on the TV, or walk out their doors and see Jews being herded out of eastern side of Jerusalem?
Any administration that refuses to accept Jerusalem as Israel's capital (basically every administration since Israel formally declared Jerusalem to be her capital), and refuses to allow American citizens to denote Israel as their country of birth if they were born in Jerusalem is compromising the national security of the United States by bowing down to the Arabs. Now we have a douchebag in the White House who does it figuratively and literally. How can you tell if the United States government is selling out American citizens to the Arabs? If it doesn't recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Any administration that refuses to accept Jerusalem as Israel's capital (basically every administration since Israel formally declared Jerusalem to be her capital), and refuses to allow American citizens to denote Israel as their country of birth if they were born in Jerusalem is compromising the national security of the United States by bowing down to the Arabs. Now we have a douchebag in the White House who does it figuratively and literally. How can you tell if the United States government is selling out American citizens to the Arabs? If it doesn't recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The position of the Israeli government is also quite clear. Jerusalem is the undisputed, undivided capital of the Jewish state. It has been the capital since King David. There will not be a Palestinian state without that recognition. The Arabs of East Jerusalem do not want to live in a Palestinian Authority hellhole, a trend that has continued over the years. June polls showed that 56% of Israelis support settlement construction, in defiance of Marack's freeze demands. An even greater number, 69%, are against Marack's demands that Israel cede East Jerusalem. Even Labor and Kadima voters agree in large margins.
Jews have been ghettoized for centuries, from Venice to the Arab world. Now Marack wants the ghettoizing of Jews in Jerusalem. Like Judea and Samaria, the king of Planet Asshat wants to tell us where to live in the capital of the Jewish people. If he was looking to get some love from the Israeli people, and American Jews (remember that meeting last week where assface reassured Jewish leaders that the Arabs are being pressured too...I wonder how those schmucks feel now?) he's sure got a fucked up way of doing it. Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel. Marack needs to get over it, as does the rest of the world.
When Israel evacuated Gaza it was under a policy of "disengagement." I believe it is time for a new disengagement; from negotiations with the United States over Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem. It is obvious the White House isn't listening (shit, the administration isn't listening to Americans, why the fuck would it consider listening to Israelis?). Better to turn toward more pressing issues of domestic policy, defense against Iran, and strengthening ties with India and Russia than dick around with the Jew hating asshat in the White House. He is wasting your time. Are you getting the message now?
I wish American Jews would clean the peanut butter out of the ears and realize the fraud in the White House isn't their friend. Luckily Israel is opening up its eyes. The Israeli's should just work with Russia and India at least then they will know where they stand with those countries.
The asswipe in the White House is an Arab lover/Muslim I believe. He would just as soon see the Israeli problem gone.
Sort of OT:
There is a question I can't answer: What has happened to Hillary? Why is she Secretary of State? I have found she isn't universally hated by Conservatives or Republicans....but everyone I talk to says she is out of her mind for carrying Obama's water.
Now that the Marack administration has shown it's true colors, advocating a cessation of construction in Jerusalem (Israel formally annexing virtually all of the portions of the city they recaptured in1967) and declared as its capital), there is no hiding the fact that Obama wants all Jewish construction halted. Jerusalem is sacrosanct, even to a lot of Jewish leftists, apart from the Peace Now (Even if it means Israeli suicide) types.
This move is uniting Jews in Israel like nothing has in a long time. Now there is a rumor in an Arab daily that the US is going to "allow" the Shepherd Hotel project to move forward in exchange for being allowed to "set the borders" between Israel and the Arabs.
Frankly, I call bullshit on that. It sounds to me that since Marack is impotent on stopping construction the PA is going to put these rumors in print to incite violence when it doesn't happen...with Israel taking the fall of course.
As far as Hillary goes, there's no telling what's going on behind the scenes. She was just in India today massaging that relationship. I will be interested to see if any arrangements between India and Marack involve creating obstacles in the relationship between Israel and India (India is vastly increasing its weapons and technology purchases from Israel.
The only thing I can say about Hillary is that she is far from running the foreign policy show. She's too fucking smart to be running it as shabbily as it is at the moment. He may need her to pull it together as so far he has been nothing but a dickless embarrassment.
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