Following a complaint by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Ambassador to Washington Michael Oren was summoned to a meeting at the US State Department over the week-end where he was told that the Obama administration wanted Israel to put an end to work at the site of the historic Shepherd's Hotel in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.
Abu In A Suit is apparently worried that a Jewish resident development in the area would change the demographics in East Jerusalem (which would interfere in the PA's Judenrein plans).
It should be noted that the site is privately owned by one Irwin Moskowitz, which her purchased back in the 80's. The Shepherd's Hotel used to belong to Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, who met and collaborated with Adolph "Where are my lifts" Hitler to plan the extermination of the Jews in Eretz Yisrael, incited Arab riots and massacres against Jews, and urged them to evacuate so that they would be out of the way of the Arab armies that would invade Israel in 1948 and get rid of the Jews for them.
A senior Israeli diplomatic official basically told Marack and his Cast of Idiots to go fuck off:
"Israel builds in Jerusalem and will continue to do so in the future as well."
Are you getting the message yet Marack? By the way, where's that pressure on the Arabs you and your Secretary of State keep talking about?
Hillary is carrying his water and doing exactly what he wants her to do shut up. There will never be any pressure on the PA ignoramuses...allies like Israel just aren't important in the messiah's eyes. One has to wonder just where do the messiah's real allegiances lie....not to the United States of America which is obvious with each passing day.
A big hell yeah goes out to Israel for standing up to the fascist in the White House for telling to f**k off and die!
I think they would settle for him resigning and returning to his homeworld of Planet Asshat.
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying he would not take orders over Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem, rejected on Sunday a U.S. demand to halt plans to build more homes for Jews in the disputed area.
New friction with Washington over the project to build 20 apartments in a part of Jerusalem captured by Israel in a 1967 war could deepen the most serious rift in relations between the two allies in a decade.
Israeli officials said the State Department had summoned Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to Washington, and told him plans for the construction approved this month by Israel's Jerusalem municipality should be suspended.
"We cannot accept the idea that Jews will not have the right to live and buy (homes) anywhere in Jerusalem," Netanyahu said, calling the city Israel's united capital, a claim that is not recognized internationally.
"I can only imagine what would happen if someone would suggest Jews could not live in certain neighborhoods of New York, London, Paris or Rome. There would certainly be a great international outcry," he told reporters at the weekly cabinet meeting. "We cannot accept this edict in Jerusalem."
TELL US what you really think of the asshat in chief ...which finger was that you were holding up?
BiBi ...gotta love BiBi with your whole heart doncha?
Also ... did it make the news that Anderson Cooper was caught on camera secretly buying a duplicate of the outfit the King was wearing when the asskisser in chief bowed down to kiss his....hand?? Fake mustache and hair dye included?
ok just kiddin but it COULD HAPPEN !!!!!!!!
It has been State Department policy that passports will not be issued to Americans born in Jerusalem that denote Israel as their country of birth. They can only say Jerusalem. A case just recently played out in the US court of appeals. They ruled they do not have the jurisdiction to rule on the matter; a Jewish family whose American child was born in Jerusalem, wanted the passport to have Israel as the country of birth. The State Department refused.
It has been State Department policy that passports will not be issued to Americans born in Jerusalem that denote Israel as their country of birth. They can only say Jerusalem. A case just recently played out in the US court of appeals. They ruled they do not have the jurisdiction to rule on the matter; a Jewish family whose American child was born in Jerusalem, wanted the passport to have Israel as the country of birth. The State Department refused.
omg ...this is just pure undiluted bullshit ... I hope the American Jews who voted for this asshole are happy now....
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