On Saturday, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared Operation Cast Lead a victory and threw the ball into Hamas's court, declaring the unilateral cease-fire that suspends the three-week operation, the future of which depends on whether Hamas continues to fire on Israel.
"Today, we face you again and can say that the conditions have been created so that our targets, as defined when we launched the operation, have been fully achieved, and more so," Olmert said, in a special address to the nation on Saturday night.So let me get this straight genius. Hamas is still firing rockets. The leaders are in hiding (translation: not dead or in custody), and Gilad Schalit is not on the table...but you're working "unceasingly for his release?"
Those goals were defined as stopping the rocket fire on Israel and an end to the arms smuggling into Gaza.
"Hamas was hit hard, both its military capabilities and its governing infrastructure," Olmert said.
"Its leaders are in hiding," Olmert said of Hamas. "Many of its members have been killed. The factories in which its missiles were manufactured have been destroyed. The smuggling routes, through dozens of tunnels, have been bombed. The Hamas's capabilities for conveying weapons within the Gaza Strip have been damaged."
Olmert said that according to the assessments of all the security services,"Hamas's capabilities have been struck a heavy blow, which will harm its ability to rule and its military capabilities for some time."
Olmert said the cease-fire would go into effect at 2 a.m. Sunday morning.
Immediately following Olmert's announcement, Hamas fired eight missiles at Israel.
The return of kidnapped soldier Gilad Schalit was not a condition of the cease-fire, though both Olmert and Barak pledged to continue working unceasingly for his release.
Fuck you asshole. So basically what you're saying is this is Lebanon 2006 redux. You bombed the shit out of Gaza but didn't finish the job. Hamas still has rockets with long enough range to still hit Be'er Sheva, Ashkelon, and Ashdod. The leadership is still intact in some form. And we have little more than verbal agreements, from players who have shown little interest in doing anything about shutting Hamas down, that they will help stop the smuggling of weapons into Gaza. And Schalit, if he's not dead already, is still pissing in the wind.
Ehud, you couldn't be more useless. There is no victory until the rockets are stopped and Hamas is gone, with guarantees from the international community on the smuggling issue, and the unconditional release of Schalit. That's victory. Then at least the dead can be justified on some level. Not this bullshit you incompetent ass. Unilateralism doesn't mean shit to the UN. You're not going to score points with the Jew haters. And they will scream just as loudly when the rockets continue to fall, and you reengage (which I wonder if you have the cojones to do) with your mistaken notion that the world will suddenly think it's okay for Israel to defend herself against poor little Hamas. There are what 1000 people dead at least? Then have something to show for it besides a weakened Hamas that will just rearm like Hezbullah. And will still be free to hold Gaza's children at gunpoint. That's just fucking great.
At this point the only way Likud loses the elections is if Israelis are as stupid as Americans when they go to the polls. You sat on your hands all this time, until 10 weeks until the election, and then show the country that you're a complete douche who can't deliver security to Israel. Good move asswipe.
So all you kids in Gaza and Israel, this is what you have to look forward to: Y'ladim b' eretz Yisrael, you get to keep running from Hamas rockets. But you're pretty well trained at it, and are probably getting used to not being able to sleep, losing limbs, losing friends, losing your minds...
And y'ladim b'Gaza? You'll get a little lull. Those of you who refused to be shields might get shot as collaborators with the Zionists. The Leftists will either not hear about this, or think that you deserve it. And you all may have to go through this bullshit again.
Adults are always fuckin' it up kids. Get used to it.
Succumbing to Pressure 101.
All the world's a stage, and Israel has been invited to exit, once more.
the unilateral cease-fire that suspends the three-week operation, the future of which depends on whether Hamas continues to fire on Israel.
Based on this, if Hamas keeps firing rockets, Olmert has only two options: resume the military operation or lose all credibility with voters.
If he choses the first option, the IDF gets another chance to finish the job. If he chooses the second, Cast Lead will have to be re-done in a couple of months -- with Netanyahu in charge. Maybe he'll finish the job.
Bizarrely, the worst thing that could happen would be if Hamas strategically stopped firing rockets until after the election, to keep Olmert and his stop-halfway mentality in office. They've never shown that level of intelligence before, though.
(I don't know anything about Netanyahu's policies on issues other than defense, but Israel is in a position where a leader who's weak on that issue is simply unqualified. That's what I'd think if I were Israeli, anyway.)
You're not going to score points with the Jew haters.
Sadly, obviously true.
then again, there is no way to score points with the jew haters, so that's a moot point
i preface this by stating that i grew up in a mostly Jewish neighborhood. when i was nine years old, a girl behind me in gym asked me if i was Jewish. I replied, "yes" rather innocently. She then retorted with, "well, then you make me nauseous." I started to cry, and when I went home that day, I told my mother. She went to school to speak to the principal and the girl was called in to the office to be warned and to apologize to me. I will never forget that for that was the first but not the only time that I've run into antisemitism.
This isn't psychosis. This is taught to children from the age when they're able to engage in cognitive discourse. They're brainwashed, not psychotic. Do they have a choice? I don't know, maybe it depends on how rabidly antisemitic their families are. Of course, there are plenty of Jew haters who were not indoctrinated by their families. Psychotic? Not sure. I think that gives them an excuse, a pass, which I won't do.
It's the popular thing to do, and everyone seems to need a scapegoat, especially one that appears to be more educated and accomplished than oneself. Kind of like Obamamania. It's the popular thing to do, and they have NO rhyme nor reason for it.
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