Honestly, I can't believe my Eagles are playing in the NFC Conference Championship tomorrow. It's amazing how far we've gone on our rock solid, kick ass defense and David Akers' foot. Why we have such trouble in the red zone I have no idea, but being able to punch it over the goal line last week has hopefully helped remove the mental block.
This year's Eagles reminds of last year's Giants, the wild card team that got hot, stayed cool, and beat the Patriots' ass in the Super Bowl. So yeah, we can go all the way. I personally want to see the Steelers win and have an all Pennsylvania Super Bowl. It will be interesting to see if Eddy Rendell goes with his Eagles, or panders to the west coast and tries to stay neutral. Ed, you're already in the soup with me for kissing Panders' ass in the general election. Show a little backbone and stand by your birds.
Now nothing is in the bag. Eagles' D is going to have to rattle Warner early; in other words bury his ass in the turf and make him cry. And I don't know if shutting down Larry Fitzgerald is completely possible, but isolating is a good goal. Of course if anyone can put the screws to Fitz, its Brian Dawkins and company. Brian Westbrook practiced Friday but is questionable for tomorrow. If I know Brian, he'll play, at least when we need him.
There are an infinite variety of ways that the Eagles can blow it tomorrow. But they're hungry, especially McNabb, who's gotten a ton of shit this season. Don't piss off the Eagles...just don't.
I don't expect it to be pretty, but I'm going with my Eagles to bring it home and advance to the Super Bowl.
And now...jokes at the expense of Cowboys fans. I know you tell these jokes in reverse in Dallas so no bullshit you Texas readers. Take your lumps and we'll see you for the ass wuppin' next year.
These were sent to me by my Clintonista Philly Home Slice, The Little Unit. I dare not disappoint her by not posting these. It's bad pregame juju.
On the first day of school a first grade teacher explains to her class
that she is a Cowboys fan.
She asks her students to raise their hands if they, too, are Cowboys fans.
Wanting to impress their teacher, everyone in the class raises their
hand except one little girl.
The teacher looks at the girl with surprise, 'Janie, why didn't you
raise your hand?' 'Because I'm not a Cowboys fan,' she replied.
The teacher, still shocked, asked, 'Well, if you are not a Cowboys
fan, then who o are you a fan of?'
'I am an Eagles fan, and proud of it,' Janie replied.
The teacher could not believe her ears. 'Janie, please tell me why you
are you an Eagles fan?'
'Because my mom is an Eagles fan, and my dad is an Eagles fan, so I'm
an Eagles fan too!'
'Well,' said the teacher in a obviously annoyed tone, 'that is no
reason for you to be an Eagles fan. You don't have to be just like
your parents all of the time. What if your mom were an idiot and your
dad were a moron, what would you be then?'
'Then,' Janie smiled, 'I'd be a Cowboys fan.'
------------------------------ -----------------------
Four football fans - a Cowboys fan, an Eagles fan, a Redskins fan, and
a Giants fan - are climbing a mountain and arguing about who loves his
team more.
The Redskins fan insists he is the most loyal. 'This is for the
Redskins!' he yells, and jumps off the side of the mountain.
Not to be outdone, the Giants fan shouts, 'This is for the Giants!'
and throws himself off the mountain.
The Eagles fan is next to profess his love for his team.
He yells, 'This is for everyone!' and pushes the Cowboys fan off the mountain.
----------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------
A Eagles fan liked to amuse himself by scaring every Cowboys fan he
saw strutting down the street in an obnoxious Blue & White shirt. He
would swerve his van as if to hit them, then swerve back just missing
One day while driving along, he saw a priest. He thought he would do a
good deed, so he pulled over and asked the priest, 'Where are you
going, Father?'
'I'm20going to give Mass at St. Francis church, about two miles down
the road,' replied the priest.
'Climb in, Father. I'll give you a lift!' The priest climbed into the
p passenger seat, and they continued down the road.
Suddenly, the driver saw a Cowboys fan walking down the road, and he
instinctively swerved as if to hit him. But, as usual, he swerved back
onto the road just in time.
Even though he was certain that he had missed the guy, he still heard
a loud THUD. Not knowing where the noise came from, he glanced in his
mirrors but still didn't see anything.
He then remembered the priest, and he turned to the priest and said,
sorry Father, I just missed hitting that Cowboys fan.'
'That's OK,' replied the priest 'I got him with the door.'
And apologies if you have trouble reading the blog, but it's the NFC championship so deal with it for a day.
And now, the dorkiest, but best fight song in the NFL sung by the NFL's most brutal, unforgiving, fucking awesome fans:
your boyz ungraciously whipped my championship team's behinds last week. we were going for a two-peat.
fyi, i'll wish you luck but i don't really mean it.
i'm way bitter...way.
you won the damned world series, wasn't that enuf?
No it's not enough. You're not a Yankees fan are you? Because if you are I really don't wanna hear any whining. If you're a Mets fan your team is cursed until the Dodgers move back to Brooklyn. My dad is still bitter about that.
No we'll be happy with both championships thank you. Especially since the Eagles haven't won it since 1960 when they didn't even call it the Super Bowl.
Either way, cars will burn in Philly.
I will accept your good luck wishes, even though you claim you don't mean it. But wouldn't you rather see the team that pantsed you win? Psychologically it has to be better that way.
um, no. i would prefer that they don't but i'm trying really hard to be hopeful for you.
yes, i'm a pinstripes girl. hardcore.
now what? wanna condemn me and hook me up with a red sox fan? i grew up with a dad who's a mets fan, but i insisted on having my own identity. i wanted to play ball, but my ultra cool and way intelligent daddy said no, "you're a girl." i adore him, but i think that's why i'm a feminist. all i want is to have a catch.
btw, i responded to your response to my query as to your gender preference...did it get lost in the sphere?
It's mighty white of you to try and be hopeful...Giants fan. You should know that I pulled for your team last year...okay it was because I hate the Patriots almost as much as the Cowboys. Really, beating Dallas last year, and then the Pats...I was lovin' the Giants.
Setting you up with a Sox fan...now that I know you're a Yanks fan...I'll be sure to do that the next time I want to have my teeth pulled out through my ass... ;-)
No, I'm not mad or offended. If you kicked me in the nuts...then I'd be a little pissed.
Linking to your tag victims: go to your victim's blog, copy the url from address bar in your browser. Type the name of the blog in the text of your post, highlight it, then click the button on your Blogger tool bar to the right of the T with the color square thingy. A window will pop up. Delete the http:/ thing and paste the url into that space.
Does that make sense? How d'ya like my technical jargon?
oh yea, i do that when i link to an article. i had noticed that one of your victims had your tag posted on her profile, but it had something to do with a feed. my main problem is that i won't have seven. i blog but most of my time has been spent running the facebook squad, so i gots me lots of puma friends there, but not so much from the pumasphere.
g-d forbid some of these ppl would add me since they're on mine. well, that goes back to the misanthropic stuff.
dearest, there's so much i'd like to say in an open forum, but there's a few people i have to think about. i'll give it a try. i'm not one to hold back, which i guess you found out today.
( i can't believe i was so brazen)
Yes, you brazen hussy!
Can someone please tell me the origin of hussy? Why not just say flibsmeeb?
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