Pampers, with the documented complicity of the DNC, fraudulently received the nomination of his party. He was not legitimately nominated. He was elected, in part, with the complicity of the Supreme Court of the United States, which ruled in favor of the fraudulent voter registration scam perpetrated by the Democrat Party's Secretary of State in Ohio and ACORN. We know that with ACORN's help many voted in multiple states, and voted multiple times. We know he received millions in illegal campaign contributions, some from countries and territories hostile to the United States. He was not legitimately elected. He is a known liar, and has proved himself, through his actions, and his 20 year membership at the Trinity Church, to be a bigoted, homophobic, misogynist. Therefore, Pampers does not have my consent to be President, and therefore does not derive his powers from me.
If you feel the same, then here's a little something you can do to let your countrymen and women know that he governs without your consent as well.
If you have an American flag, fly it upside down. This is our national distress signal. We are definitely in distress. Time to send the signal.
If you don't have a flag at your house, feel free to snag the one from here and put it up at your website.
And the national nightmare continues...
My soul sister Cinie posted the URL for Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech in the comments downstairs. I have decided to put a link to it in the margin of this blog. Those that believe in that Dream, and know that Pampers has nothing to do with it, here's another suggestion: put a link on your website to King's speech, as a reminder.
Pampers spoke at the Lincoln Memorial in order to brainwash America into thinking that he is King's Dream. He is not. He is a lying, misogynisthomophobicbigotedjewhatingfraudsociopath who stands against everything King fought for. So let us have a reminder of who laid their life on the line and gave it up for justice, and who gave up living in an ill begotten mansion in Chicago for an ill begotten mansion in Washington, D.C.
Pampers claims that King is his hero, along with Gandhi. Those are my heroes. And I struggle to be 1/100 as great. Pampers struggles to perfect his jumpshot, and his ability to read Jon Favreau's words off a teleprompter.
So while the rest of America shits themselves over the Teleprompter Jesus, let us have an unending reminder that there once was a man who walked our streets, who spoke out in our houses of worship, who fought for what was right, and in many ways died on account of our sins.
And...one more item of business. I have done a lot of writing here, and at other blogs. And, because I have a great big mouth, have done a fair bit of commenting in various places. Here is one of my faves, and partially on topic with King and his legacy. It was written for this article
in response to a Pampers Douche called Bob Stark. I was feeling my oats that's for sure. The comment gets the OMV W.C. Fields Douchey Award for Shtuey's Personal Snarkaliciousness (an award just for me because everyone loves a winner ;)).
Wow, Bob Stark. Who died and crowned you king of the asshats? You Obamabot douches will never get it because you're too busy genuflecting to your golden god of mange. Those of us who still possess the mental capacity to engage in critical thinking find that any man who encourages his campaign to butcher democracy through rampant caucus fraud, voter intimidation, registration and voter fraud (sorry little man the $800,000 he paid to ACORN's front company is a truth you can't escape, no matter how many times you yell "Liar liar pants on fire!"), and whose campaign and political party sanctioned the threatening and harassing of pledged delegates to the Democratic Party's National Convention (I was there so please spare me your ranting about how that's not true), is not a man who gets my vote, nor is he a man worthy to serve as President of the United States.And the national nightmare continues...
Perhaps if you did a little research on the fraud Louis Farrakhan calls "the messiah," you'd have the same reservations that we do. But since you've no doubt spent the last 6 months circle jerking to Obama's so-called race speech (the Jeremiah Wright deflection speech) with the rest of your Obama zombie friends, it makes sense that you are just another low information idiot with a computer, little sense, and a seemingly allergic reaction to truth.
Why don't you do yourself a favor and move to Russia so you can spend the next 20 years voting for Putin surrogates, and leave America to those of us who believe in democracy. You'll feel right at home I'm sure.
On the notion that PUMAs are racist I will say this. Dr. King's dream was not that a black man would be President of the United States. His dream was that all of us, regardless of our race, religion, color, or creed would stand up for each other's rights, and judge each other by the content of our character, not the color of our skin. I would venture to guess that MLK would not endorse Obama were he alive, as the racial politics game he played this past year is the direct antithesis to everything King believed in.
Obama could be white, yellow, red, or plaid and we still wouldn't vote for him. We've seen the content of his character. We could care less about the color of his skin. Get over it.
Posted by: Shtuey on October 16, 2008 7:05 PM
Mahalo for that Shtuey!!!
And many mahalos to you!!! Great to see you here again!
Great comment - and you are now tagged on the PUMA tag
You are "it"!
Istand shoulder to shoulder with all you true Patriots. We will never be silenced not by the majority nor by the resident evil. It is my sincere prayer that the 67 million people who were uninformed, selfish, self pitying, and guilt ridden wake from their slumber and feel ashamed for the evil they have thrust on this nation. And I pray they can forgive themselves. I will pray a prayer every day for the next four years for Our Nation with its naked, visible wounds it will wear going forth.
Many thank yous for this....
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