The bulging Chinese purse at a time when the rest of the world is facing a cash flow problem spoke repeatedly during Mrs. Clinton's visit. Good-bye to the Dalai Lama and Aung San Suu Kyi, Hail Hu Jintao----- that is the message from the Obama administration .
And while Secretary Clinton makes no apologies for backpeddling and easing the standards by which Hamas can join in a unity government with its anti-Israel ideologue counterparts, Fatah, there was never any statement that Shalit's unconditional release was part of the deal. To my knowledge there has not even been a response from Clinton to Representative Shelley Berkely's letter demanding, in part, that any aid to Gaza be tied to Shalit's release.
Both Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Corporal (now Staff Sgt...) Gilad Shalit are, at least for now, non-factors to the Resident's administration, and his toadies, including Clinton (I have no doubt this status will continue). But, as we all know, the First Fascist wants Gitmo closed by January with prisoners being released on our streets. In doing so the man who is spanning the globe on a great apology tour is giving the finger to two people who committed no crime, but are the victims of illegal incarcerations, while staunchly defending prisoners who have yet to face trial, (and should before they are released if they are now protected by the Constitution as ruled by the Supreme Court last year), simply as a political stunt; all the while potentially jeopardizing the national security of the United States.
Resident, Grade: F.
Madame Secretary: D-
Let the calls for IMPEACHMENT begin.
in his 100 days he was too enchanted to mention political prisoners in North Korea and iran ... guess he didn't want to disenchant anyone .. or distract from the dog story with a human one.
I was just about to say the same as swanspirit...F-
I'm not sure what to think of Hillary...I'm so disappointed in the way she has cow-towed to Obama, it's depressing. I know she's better than that and it's sad to see her humiliated like this. She is not showing her true self in this job. I would rather she have stayed on as a Senator and kept her dignity.
One thing we know is that Hillary is no dummy. I think she knew exactly what she was getting herself into. Whether or not this is who she is, she is Secretary of State. "I was only following orders," is not going to fly.
Look what happened to Colin Powell. He knew Iraq was wrong. They sent him to the UN with that concocted nonsense and he sat there and sold it. Then they buried him.
I agree, she should have stayed in the Senate. I thought from the beginning that she would only leave if she knew she was going to be effectively shrouded, which is what she was in September when she suggested reviving the HOLC on the floor of the Senate and the collective response was crickets.
I was going to give him an F-, but I thought that might be gilding the lily, or in this case, the corpse flower.
i've yet to make the full psychological break from hillary even with substantial evidence to support her less than stellar performance. if i'm being honest with myself, shtuey, i'd grade her as you did.
as for him, i posted the results of the CNN poll on my blog, which i feel were not adequate befitting a rock star. i do not give him an F-. i don't think he warrants a grade at all. back in college, you were allowed to "audit" a class which actually meant to just sit there and take it all in. therefore, in my opinion, he's auditing the presidency.
come visit petunia once in awhile. i'm making a small attempt at some consistency again amidst the meanderings of the stressed mind.
Petunia I agree he is only auditing the presidency. Guys and gals stop by mspladdemocrat....we are all going to have to bend over next year...the resident evil's tax credit isn't a tax credit after all...many of us will have to give it back to the least a portion of no grade from me!
this asshat isn't even voting present. There is no grade low enough for me to evaluate his if you are going to grade lack of performance - then he gets an A+, and while I am at it - for performance above and beyond the frakkin' call of duty, THE TOTUS gets an A+.
It will be interesting to see who that idiot appoints as the next Supreme Court Judge. I'll lay odds that he sticks it to the kool-aide heads and puts in a conservative and most likely a male conservative.
I have written off both of the Clintons for playing along with this fraud. But, who can be surprised? Bill played along with the Bushes, after all.
I'm totally disgusted!
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