It's the same in any lingo

בַּת-בָּבֶל, הַשְּׁדוּדָה: אַשְׁרֵי שֶׁיְשַׁלֶּם-לָךְ-- אֶת-גְּמוּלֵךְ, שֶׁגָּמַלְתּ לָנוּ
אַשְׁרֵי שֶׁיֹּאחֵז וְנִפֵּץ אֶת-עֹלָלַיִךְ-- אֶל-הַסָּלַע

How can one be compelled to accept slavery? I simply refuse to do the master's bidding. He may torture me, break my bones to atoms and even kill me. He will then have my dead body, not my obedience. Ultimately, therefore, it is I who am the victor and not he, for he has failed in getting me to do what he wanted done. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? If not now, when? ~ Rav Hillel, Pirke Avot

This Red Sea Pedestrian Stands against Judeophobes

This Red Sea Pedestrian Stands against Judeophobes
Wear It With Pride

14 October 2009

Salam Fayad Just Says No To Mickey Mouse

Falacstinian Prime Terrorist Salam Fayad has declared that the PA will not settle for an unarmed “Mickey Mouse” state. They will not accept being demilitarized, like Andorra. Well, duh! It’s awfully hard to keep killing Jews, and move on to phase seven of the Arab plan to eradicate Israel, without weapons.

For those of you not acquainted with the plan here are the main steps (there are a lot of little gears in this genocidal racist plan, but these are the biggies).

1. Evacuate Arab civilians and invade the newly declared Jewish state (this plan failed miserably, even though they did manage to kill 6000 Jews in Israel’s fight for independence). This failure led to phase two…

2. Force all the Arabs who got out of the way of the Arab invasion forces to live in camps and not absorb them into the population. This makes for sympathetic press for the poor, poor Arabs. Never mind that Israel absorbed 800,000 Jews that were forced out of Arab countries when Israel became independent again.

3. Make repeated attempts at invading Israel and launch a terror campaign.

4. Create a fictional people to use as a propaganda tool at the UN to foster a movement for creating a homeland for “Palestinians” that would have gotten their second state in 1947 had the Arabs accepted the UN resolution that partitioned the remaining portion of the British Mandate.

5. Attempt another failed military invasion.

6. Go back to the fake country propaganda plan, which they would hope would lead to…

7. Creation of a fake Arab state to use as a platform for completing the destruction of the Jewish state.

So, in order for this grand scheme to work (how’s it working out so far you genocidal douchebags?) the new Falacstinian state must be armed. But there's a bit of a problem with this brilliant master plan. If they become a country, they will be subject to the same international laws as every other country. Though their nonexistent status allows them to play the Goldstone Game now, this will not be the case should they become an actual country (the other fly in the ointment is that playing the victim has been a lot more lucrative for the PA...just as Sura Arafat as she relaxes in her Parisian penthouse funded by the charity of planet earth that was supposed to build hospitals, schools and whatnot for the Arabs living under PA control....whoops!).

{It should be noted that Falacstinian terrorism is still in violation of international law, and Israel is fully within its rights to take military action to defend itself against it; even if that means civilians being used as human shields by Hamas and Fatah are killed in said action. It is a highly under-publicized fact that Israel has no obligation, under current international law (see the rule of distinction), to take any measures to protect the lives of these civilians during an attack on a legitimate military target, and yet goes to far greater lengths to do so than any armed force on the planet.}

If the PA were to launch a military offensive against Israel as a country, Israel, with sane leadership, would simply do what any country would do when attacked by another country…crush its military until it was no longer capable of waging war, and then annex the territory it seized from the attacking army. Or in other words, do what Israel did in 1967 with the exception of the annexing part.

Israel should be doing this now, but the Falacstinian propaganda machine is well entrenched to the point that most of the world considers them a real nation, instead of what they really are: an Arab military and propaganda tool. Because of this, the leftist whiners in Israel have thus far failed to eradicate the terrorist presence in Eretz Yisrael, and force the Arabs living in the heartland of the Jewish people, which was liberated from the Arabs in 1967, to choose whether to live in our land under complete Jewish authority without the right to vote or hold office, or go across the river to the Arab state that Britain illegally created out of more than half the land that the League of Nations granted to the Jewish people. It will take genuine Jewish leadership to understand and execute the dictate of the Torah, which instructs us that when an enemy is coming to kill you, you kill them first.

I find it ironic that Fayad says he doesn’t want a Mickey Mouse state when there is plenty of video evidence that this is exactly what they want. When are you dingdongs going to make up your minds? You want a state, and then you don’t want a state. You want Mickey Mouse, and now you don’t. You martyr TV animals of cryin' out loud! First it was Farfour. Then it was Nahool, the bee that attacks cats and throws rocks at lions. Does anyone know if they've martyred Assud, the Jew eating rabbit yet?


Mary Ellen said...

OMG! Those videos are freakin' scary!

Honestly, Shtuey, I never know what I'm going to find when I come over here.

You know that rapture thing the evangelists keep talking about? Not sure if it will happen, but I think I'm ready to be beamed out off this planet.

Shtuey said...

I would rather just beam the scary people off the planet. I rather like it here. In the end, such twisted and evil people will not succeed. If the Nazis couldn't, these freaks certainly won't.

Who ever heard of martyring a cat flinging bee? Let's definitely give these nutjobs a country.