Gosh gee, I wish there was someone out there who had a plan to rescue the toxic mortgage mess, keep people in their homes, and free up the credit lines so banks would start lending money again and the bucks would flow. Oh wait...someone did. She used to be the Junior Senator from New York. She had this crazy fucked up notion that if we brought back the Home Owners Loan Corporation that was created under FDR, a plan of proven success that actually generated a profit, then we could turn this whole thing around. Unfortunately, our Congress, and the White House were and are occupied by a bunch of fucking criminals whose only interest is tanking our economy and driving up such huge deficits and debt that the social safety net is destroyed, and government's only functions will be rewarding the rich and waging war.
But Shtuey, that was the Republican agenda initiated by Ronald Reagan. Martin Luther Lincoln Jr. Jr. is a Democrat.
And now you know that both parties are corrupt, beyond redemption, and not interested in whether you live or die. Sucks doesn't it? Boy, I sure am glad that thousands of people are taking to the streets to protest what is in effect the financial gang rape of every tax payer in the country. Oh why bother. Just keep calling your legislators. I'm sure that will help.
And what did we hear from Resident Lincoln Jr. Jr. today? That we should be more like Lincoln of course. Every time this scumbag opens his mouth I want to vomit. This, above all things, is why I wanted him to lose. Now we have to endure an endless stream of fucking bullshit from that lying mouth, with that preacher crap to boot. And all from the pen of that douchefaceasshole Jon Favreau. This is like some sick fucking nightmare, all the more fucked up because right now I wish this fuck face was still in the White House.

And in his ever growing vomitous campaign to convince us that he is in fact Lincoln, Martin Luther Lincoln Jr. Jr. announced that he is emancipating the slaves.
I know it is a bad day when you say you would like to see Bush back in the White House! You will love this one, they are rolling back the Welfare Reform....this really pisses me off because I was instrumental in helping quite a few women off the welfare rolls back in Georgia....I had to attend the TANF training...this meant something to me...I was always proud of what I did and the small part I had in changing women's lives...now not so much! This is part of ACORN's agenda...and always has been since they come originally from an anti-welfare reform group!
Hey Shtuey- I just saw this on one of the blogs...I think it was Insightanylitical
Anyway, it looks like Obama managed to get term limits for Presidents erased from the Constitution. It's stuck in the stimulus bill, from what I understand, and the House already passed it. This is the transparency that we all heard about, eh?
So Shtuey - tell me how you really feel!
So let me get this straight...the Braying Ass Party gives billions to ACORN insure fraudulent election wins, and wants to amend the Constitution so that King Barry I can rule us in eternal doucheousness?
When do I get to stop puking?
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