Every damn day some new group of dimwits wakes up to find they were stupidly duped because they actually believed the Hope and Change machine.
I'm getting really fucking tired of saying I told you so every five minutes. You dummies bought into this guy. You bought him, you own him, you made this bed. Now we all have to pay for your stupidity for the next four years. So shut the hell up with your whining you pukes. This is your own damn fault.
First it was the leftists when Pampers voted for FISA. Then it was the Leftists when Pampers appointed the Clinton administration (in reality the only smart thing the clown has done). Then it was the environmentalists who got screwed when Pampers named Ken Salazar to head the D.O.I. Now it's the gays who were stupid enough to vote for Pampers expecting support when the douchebag dunces who coronated the braying ass said that the struggle for gay rights is not a civil rights issue (that's offensive to black people apparently, at least according to Donna Brazile and Leah Daughtry). You idiots were not paying attention and now you're fucked. If you think Rick Warren braying at the inauguration is the end, just you wait. How a gay person could vote for Pampers is beyond me. Oh wait, it's because you knee jerk vote for the Democrat. Bet you don't make that same stupid mistake in four years...who am I kidding, you probably have your Pampers '12 shirts all starched and ready to go.
You could have backed Hillary Clinton, who actually believes in equal protections for gays, but no, you went with the ass who has never done a damn thing for you. High five dummies!
Don't blame me...I warned you idiots, all of you idiots, left, gay, straight, male, female, brown, red, yellow, and plaid, back in 2007. Let's take a ride in the Wayback Machine to April of last year shall we?
I don't think I need to spend one minute discussing that you can't EVER trust a politician--not until you see the proof in the pudding. For those of you dyed in the wool party believers--pull your heads out of your asses. Your party doesn't give a crap whether you live or die; except that if you die you can't vote...but they won't send flowers either).
Of course we had Pampers and ACORN to remind us that the dead CAN vote.
I'm getting really fucking tired of saying I told you so every five minutes. You dummies bought into this guy. You bought him, you own him, you made this bed. Now we all have to pay for your stupidity for the next four years. So shut the hell up with your whining you pukes. This is your own damn fault.
Don't blame me, I voted for Hillary. And I warned you.
Awesome,,,,but you forgot to add:
I fucking hate whiners.
It's just more evidence that we are being subdued by the ibtergalactic invasion forces of Planet Asshat.
Why should a Chicago pol care whether you live or die? Either way, you get to vote.
Love your rant, Shtuey!
And to think the fix was already in, methinks, since 2004, when he was already then showered with unmerited praise by the media as 'the new young senator from IL' despite having no accomplishments or evidence of any leadership to write home about. HRC had no chance against this juggernaut enabled and pushed by the behind-the-scenes power brokers, moneybags, DNC and perhaps even the GOP with interests in the continuation of Bush's policies - the corruption is so deep-seated and widespread in the electoral process here. The ordinary person is merely a spectator, and the media have their roles to play in this theatre of the absurd.
Libbygurl, I'm still amazed that the rest of the nation doesn't know what we figured out in January....that the DNC wanted Pampers since 2004, possibly earlier. I don't know how many times I, and other bloggers wrote about this. It's ludicrous. First sign? Michigan and Florida being pulled. Sign number 2? John Kerry endorsing in January.
H/T to mjr17 who forwarded the 2004 Donna Brazile Slate Mag article to me in June. It's Wayback time again!
Cinie wrote about it in August:
America...PUMA/JSND tried to warn you...but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
sadly there is no satisfaction in saying "I told you so". Only deja vu. Didn't a lot of us go through this with the Iraq war? oh except that time it was the wingnuts who were defaming us as unpatriotic and treasonous. 5 years later you can't find anyone but the most rabid right wing goofball who admits to have supported the war. This time though it is people who were supposed to be on our side. maybe that experience left them with some sort of post traumatic stress that has led to their current zombified state.
Gary, I couldn't agree more. I keep wanting to move on from this election, the Resident-Select, the morons who voted for him, but this keeps piling up. It's like a solar eclipse; you don't want to look directly at it, and yet you cannot look away.
I think with the holidays coming up it's time for a distraction, and a well deserved change of subject.
Well said! Obama keeps showering us with reasons to tell his cultists "We told you so" -- and since the election is over and telling them that is pretty much all we can do, let us make the most of it.
We kept warning them about Obama over and over for months before the election, but they would not listen. They have no right to complain now when we point out what they've done.
But we are not going to rub their noses in what fools they were.
Obama is going to do that.
Hello Shtuey-
What a fine rant. Even better is your comment about both the need to move on and yet the impossibility of completely doing so. And after all, we have to bear witness, we can't just act like the President-Elect isn't turning out to be exactly as we said he would. As for his appointing many Clinton-era staffers especially for economic positions, well it was not we Democrats who supported Senator Clinton or any other Democratic candidate for office, who claimed that Obama was a socialist. We just claimed he was in bad faith on all the issues he is turning out to be in bad faith on.
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