28 June 2010
The "Religion of Peace" Strikes Again
27 June 2010
More Tales From Bizarro America: The Asylum Saga of Mosab Hassan Yousef
“because there were reasonable grounds for believing he was a danger to the security of the United States and [was] engaged in terrorist activity.”[Let me just take a moment to mention here that Marack is a threat to the security of the United States and was involved with terrorists like Billy Ayers and Bernadine Dorn, not to mention Hatem al Hady, and no one is deporting him to Kenya.]
“I was the one who connected these men with the bombing at the Hebrew University cafeteria in July 2002. And Homeland Security would do well to remember that there were five American citizens among the dead. Apparently the agency needs also to be reminded that I was the one who located the terrorists and led to their arrest or death.He also claims that he posed as a terrorist while working for Israel. “Yes, I carried a gun,” he wrote. “Yes, I was in terrorist meetings with Yasser Arafat, my father and other Hamas leaders. It was part of my job. And I passed on to the Shin Bet all the information I gathered during those meetings and saved the lives of many people—including many Americans.
“Homeland Security has absolutely no idea of the dangers that lie ahead. For nearly 30 years, I watched from the inside as Hamas dug its claws deeper and deeper into Israel. They started awkwardly, clumsily, but they got good at it. And al-Qaeda is becoming more like Hamas.
“Al-Qaeda started with huge attacks like September 11. But bin Laden has learned from Hamas’s war against Israel how to bleed its enemy. Al-Qaeda understands how effective the Hamas strategy will be on American soil.”
“He risked his life every day in order to prevent terrorism. The truth is Mosab always prevented killings. Mosab is not a terrorist!”
15 June 2010
American Jews Should Take On The Barry?
Sixty five percent of the Jewish public in Israel – almost two thirds – believe that Jews in the United States should be critical of President Barack Obama's policy toward Israel, a poll has found.
13 June 2010
Helen Thomas and Rosie O'Donnell: A Tale of Two Idiots
I personally found her pathetic apology to be even more offensive
"I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the
Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to
the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and
tolerance. May that day come soon."
News flash Helen you sick bigot, saying the Jews should "get the hell out" of their historic homeland and "mutual respect and tolerance" are mutually exclusive concepts. Go back to Lebanon you hag...how's that feel? The only thing you deeply regret is that you told the world how you really feel, and now that everyone knows you're an ignorant bigoted Jew hater no one wants to have anything to do with you (if only for the sake of appearances) except for maybe Marack, Cair, and the Arab League, which ought to make you very happy indeed.
Everyone got very bent out of shape about the hag's comments, as well they should. It's not simply a reflection of this bigot's inner heart, festering with malignant Jew hate, but it is a reflection of the ignorance of the media in general. It is not as if her comments have generated a discussion among journalists as to the subject of the Jewish people being the indigenous population of the Land of Israel, or that Thomas, who is of Lebanese descent, has allied herself with Fatah, the terrorist group responsible for most of the deaths of Jews in Israel, Judea, and Samaria since the great peace accord of Oslo, as it was Fatah sponsored TV that broadcast the very same message to the Jews of Israel back in May. Thomas' comments didn't happen in a vacuum. This is the sentiment in the Arab world in general, and why the only hope for peace between the Jordan river and the sea is if the Arabs leave and return to their indigenous homelands. What's good for the Jew is good for the Arab. We are returning to our home in Eretz Yisrael. The Arabs ought to follow our example and return to theirs.
No, the conversation largely consists of people discussing the racism, or the inappropriateness of the notion that the Jews should go back to Germany and Poland because of the roles those nations played in the Holocaust. The fact that Germany and Poland are not the historic homeland of the Jewish people does not seem to matter to the MSM. And of course Jew hating "journalists" like useless pretty boy Shep Smith are no doubt waxing irate over the crucifixion of Helen Thomas by Jews because she said something Jews don't like.
No, the media will blithely go on still addicted to the Arab lie that the Jews are merely occupiers of Arab lands, but with the twist that the Jews deserve a country too because of the Holocaust. Never mind that no matter where you put a shovel in the ground between the Jordan and the sea ancient Jewish artifacts are readily found.
Which takes me to idiot number two. Attention hound Rosie O'Donnell, in what must be another attempt to get anyone to remember that she actually exists, has apparently been defending Thomas on her radio show.
I think in the year 2010, you know, what she was saying was not 'go back toThis is what an ignoramus, well two...her producer may surpass Rosie in the ignoramus department...sounds like. Hat Tip to Brian Maloney and Tim Graham. Warning: Keep your barfbag handy...you're gonna need it.
the ovens”...What she was saying was, you know, the homeland was originally
Palestinians, is what she was saying, and it's now occupied by Israel and
that Palestinians should be afforded their civil and human rights.”
It's at this point that Shep would say that the Jew is moving in for the kill, ready to crucify O'Donnell as a Jew hater. Sorry Shep. I wouldn't say she's a Jew hater. She is however an uninformed stupid ignoramous who ought keep silent on subjects she knows nothing about.
It is an uphill battle for our people when the predominent mouthpieces (read the idiots with the biggest and loudest mouths) are willfully dumb ignorant weasels who would suffocate if their central nervous systems didn't control their respiratory functions. It is even more difficult when large numbers of us have bought into the Falacstinian lie and see the Jews as the occupiers when in fact the opposite is true.
The world of journalism is better off now that the old hag of the White House has been put out to pasture. She ought to be very successful giving lectures at CAIR functions on how she was railroaded by the Jews. Rosie O'Donnell seems to me like a recurring urinary tract infection that you learn to live with, but still burns sometimes when you pee. She should go home...to Planet Asshat...and take Helen Thomas with her.
12 June 2010
And Now For Something Not So Completely Different...A Sane Spanish Leftist

No, really. I found this in my inbox after Shabbat and had to share it. This statement was published sometime in late February or early March, but I am just coming across it now. I'm going to admit that the intricacies of Spanish politics are not foremost on my mind so I'm not going to play expert here, though I play one on TV.
"Why don't we see demonstrations against Islamic dictatorships in London , Paris , Barcelona ?
Or demonstrations against the Burmese dictatorship?
Why aren't there demonstrations against the enslavement of millions of women who live without any legal protection?
Why aren't there demonstrations against the use of children as human bombs?
Why has there been no leadership in support of the victims of Islamic dictatorship in Sudan?
Why is there never any outrage against the acts of terrorism committed against Israel?
Why is there no outcry by the European left against Islamic fanaticism?
Why don't they defend Israel 's right to exist?
Why confuse support of the Palestinian cause with the defense of Palestinian terrorism?
And finally, the million dollar question: Why is the left in Europe and around the world obsessed with the two most solid democracies, the United States and Israel, and not with the worst dictatorships on the planet? The two most solid democracies, who have suffered the bloodiest attacks of terrorism, and the left doesn't care.
And then, to the concept of freedom. In every pro Palestinian European forum, I hear the left yelling with fervor: "We want freedom for the people!"
Not true. They are never concerned with freedom for the people of Syria , or Yemen , or Iran , or Sudan , or other such nations. And they are never preoccupied when Hammas destroys freedom for the Palestinians. They are only concerned with using the concept of Palestinian freedom as a weapon against Israeli freedom. The resulting consequence of these ideological pathologies is the manipulation of the press.
The international press does major damage when reporting on the question of the Israeli-Palestinian issue. On this topic they don't inform, they propagandize.
When reporting about Israel , the majority of journalists forget the reporter code of ethics. And so, any Israeli act of self-defense becomes a massacre, and any confrontation, genocide. So many stupid things have been written about Israel , that there aren't any accusations left to level against her.
At the same time, this press never discusses Syrian and Iranian interference in propagating violence against Israel ; the indoctrination of children and the corruption of the Palestinians. And when reporting about victims, every Palestinian casualty is reported as tragedy and every Israeli victim is camouflaged, hidden or reported about with disdain.
And let me add on the topic of the Spanish left. Many are the examples that illustrate the anti-Americanism and anti-Israeli sentiments that define the Spanish left. For example, one of the leftist parties in Spain has just expelled one of its members for creating a pro-Israel website. I quote from the expulsion document: "Our friends are the people of Iran , Libya and Venezuela , oppressed by imperialism, and not a Nazi state like Israel ."
In another example, the socialist mayor of Campozuelos changed Shoah Day, commemorating the victims of the Holocaust, with Palestinian Nabka Day, which mourns the establishment of the State of Israel, thus showing contempt for the six million European Jews murdered in the Holocaust.
Or in my native city of Barcelona , the city council decided to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel, by having a week of solidarity with the Palestinian people. Thus, they invited Leila Khaled, a noted terrorist from the 70's and current leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a terrorist organization so described by the European Union, which promotes the use of bombs against Israel .
This politically correct way of thinking has even polluted the speeches of president Zapatero. His foreign policy falls within the lunatic left, and on issues of the Middle East , he is unequivocally pro Arab. I can assure you that in private, Zapatero places on Israel the blame for the conflict in the Middle East , and the policies of foreign minister Moratinos reflect this. The fact that Zapatero chose to wear a kafiah in the midst of the Lebanon conflict is no coincidence; it is a symbol.
Spain has suffered the worst terrorist attack in Europe and it is in the crosshairs of every Islamic terrorist organization. As I wrote before, they kill us with cell phones hooked to satellites connected to the Middle Ages.
And yet the Spanish left is the most anti Israeli in the world.
And then it says it is anti Israeli because of solidarity. This is the madness I want to denounce in this conference.
I am not Jewish. Ideologically I am left and by profession a journalist. Why am I not anti- Israeli like my colleagues? Because as a non-Jew I have the historical responsibility to fight against Jewish hatred and currently against the hatred for their historic homeland, Israel . To fight against anti-Semitism is not the duty of the Jews, it is the duty of the non-Jews.
As a journalist it is my duty to search for the truth beyond prejudice, lies and manipulations. The truth about Israel is not told. As a person from the left who loves progress, I am obligated to defend liberty, culture, civic education for children, coexistence and the laws that the Tablets of the Covenant made into universal principles.
Principles that Islamic fundamentalism systematically destroys. That is to say that as a non-Jew, journalist and lefty, I have a triple moral duty with Israel , because if Israel is destroyed, liberty, modernity and culture will be destroyed too.
08 June 2010
Nuclear Rant
Wow, those calls from the Marack administration to end incitement against the Jews sure are working. Thanks Secretary of Hate Clinton!
The world is filled with geniuses. Too bad so many of them are completely stupid.
04 June 2010
I'm On A Boat
No doubt everyone has heard, read and seen about the terrorists calling themselves humanitarians who sailed the seas to try and whoop up some international condemnation of Israel.
Israel has established a legitimate and legal naval blockade against Hamas controlled Gaza. They're the Muslims who have fired tens of thousands of rockets at Israel over the past 10 years or so...what good neighbors. The so-called human rights activists were connected to a host of Islamic Terror groups including the Global Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda. It has also been confirmed that a Hamas terrorist leader was among them.
Amin Abu Rashed was aboard the ship carrying a Dutch passport. Isn't that special? Rashhead's name appeared in an evidentiary document during the prosecution of the so-called Holy Land Foundation, which was funnelling money to Hamas using the HLF as a phony charity org. Nothing says peace and love like using a charity to serve as a front for genocidal Jew killing terrorists.
So now there is universal condemnation of Israel because they were defending a legal blockade, and killed only ten terrorists. It will be a good day when the reports read, "All the terrorists on board the ship were killed." Instead we have to suffer through reports from people like Andrea Mitchell, who must have stiff competition for world's worst journalist award. I watched a video of a report she gave in which she attempted to counter Bibi Netanyahu's statement that tons of aid is sent to Gaza every week, and that there is no shortage of food. Mitchell aired a report in which one family only had some flour and cooking oil. What a worthless piece of crap who wants to make Israel look bad on the news, but still had a thread of integrity would ask is: Why does this family look so well fed, and if they really have nothing to eat, where is all that aid going?
So what's the takeaway from this incident? First, it reinforces the fact that the world is bent on supporting Israel's enemies to her destruction. Any Jew who fails to see that is at best an idiot. Takeaway number two is that terrorists are now human rights activists. Three: it is unfortunate that all aboard were not killed. I have no sympathy for those who try to kill my people.
Apart from the IDF soldiers who bravely served their country by boarding and subduing the ships (some apparently were held as hostages for a brief time...such good little human rights activists), there is a young man in America who proved his worth to Klal Yisrael. Check out this video, and watch until the end so you can hear the testimony of the stupid idiot Arabs. This is why the children are as worthless as the parents. When you raise them to kill and hate you get killing and death...but Islam is the religion of peace...whatever.
Not to be outdone, Caroline Glick's Latma dishes out more brilliant satire (Nunly, great minds think alike as I was already preparing this post when I got your comment). The world is largely filled with stupid idiots who think that terrorists are human rights activists...when they are killing Jews...how nice. We will have the last laugh I believe.