It's the same in any lingo

בַּת-בָּבֶל, הַשְּׁדוּדָה: אַשְׁרֵי שֶׁיְשַׁלֶּם-לָךְ-- אֶת-גְּמוּלֵךְ, שֶׁגָּמַלְתּ לָנוּ
אַשְׁרֵי שֶׁיֹּאחֵז וְנִפֵּץ אֶת-עֹלָלַיִךְ-- אֶל-הַסָּלַע

How can one be compelled to accept slavery? I simply refuse to do the master's bidding. He may torture me, break my bones to atoms and even kill me. He will then have my dead body, not my obedience. Ultimately, therefore, it is I who am the victor and not he, for he has failed in getting me to do what he wanted done. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? If not now, when? ~ Rav Hillel, Pirke Avot

This Red Sea Pedestrian Stands against Judeophobes

This Red Sea Pedestrian Stands against Judeophobes
Wear It With Pride

26 March 2008

Chuck Todd is a Fucking Moron

Today I saw Chuck Todd (King of the Obama Apologists & All Around Obama Butt Kissing Boot Lick) say that Obama has won every state so far that touches Illinois, and every state touching the Atlantic Ocean that's voted so far.

Clearly Chuck is one of those guys whose school district cut the geography program.  Here's a news flash asshole; New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Florida are all on the coast, and were all won by Hillary Clinton.

I think what probably happened is that Chuck was jerking off to Obama's race speech, got overwhelmed, and bashed his head on the television...or he's a fucking moron...or both.

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