For the rest of you...I'm talking to you Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Israel Christians...if you're Presbyterian and sitting on your hands, or clapping your hands, while your church's leaders support terrorist homophobic honor killing animals passing themselves off as "Palestinians," then this post is especially for your particular breed of douche.
This just came through my inbox so I just had to share.
As a believing Christian, I made a recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I was profoundly disturbed by the Jewish state and its criminal occupation of the West Bank. I know that many good Christians support the Jewish occupation, but I do not! How can you justify usurping land that belongs to others?
You are entitled to your opinion on the matter. But I hope you are consistent in your beliefs. Being that you oppose a Jewish presence on the West Bank, I assume you will not be participating in any celebrations during the coming days. According to your view, there is no reason to be merry on December 25.
The Christian holidays celebrate an event that you have named a criminal act - the birth of a Jewish baby to a Jewish family living in the West Bank town of Bethlehem. Your views should not allow you to have any part in this cheer, for if you did you would be giving retroactive approval to a Jewish settlement on the West Bank that dates back more than two thousand years.
Perhaps you will be joined by the UN and other humanitarian organizations around the world condemning any celebrations this week that are connected with this controversial birth, as such events would be recognizing the rights of a Jewish family to live on what you see as occupied territory.
However I must warn you, by espousing this view and not celebrating, you will be vastly outnumbered. Not that it's so bad to be in the minority, I personally have been all my life. But keep in mind, while you accuse Israel of occupying land, there will be two billion Christians around the world celebrating the fact that the West Bank has always been the home of the Jewish people.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Aaron Moss (Sydney, Australia)
Kind of makes you feel stupid, doesn't it Joe Presbyterian BSD'er? If not, then perhaps this story will.
The Falacstinians are claiming that Jesus was not a Jew, but a Palestinian. Not only that, he was the first Palestinian martyr. Now, Nazareth Ilit, a community built for Jews along side Nazareth, which is an Arab occupied town, has been overrun by Arabs who are demanding that they be allowed to display Christmas trees in public squares. The AFP picked up the story and are of course branding the Jews as anti-Christmas and blah blah blah.
No surprises there of course. But here's a little factoid for all you Christian Jew haters out there:
Since the Falacstinian Authority, whom the Presbyterian Church seems to love almost as much if not more than Jesus, were given control of Bethlehem the Christian population has plummeted. In 1990 the Christian population was a 60% majority. In 2000 it was down to 40%. In 2008 only 15% of the population is Christian. Is this because of brutal Israeli occupation? No. It's because Israel relinquished control of Bethlehem to the Falacstinians.
Christians in Falacstinian controlled areas are now subjected to dhimmi status. They are restricted religiously, culturally, economically, and politically. International Human Rights lawyer, Justus Reid Weiner, has reported that around 1000 Christians emigrate from Bethlehem annually. Inferior to their Muslim Falacstinian occupiers, Weiner states they are subjected to a number of injustices:
"There are many examples of intimidation, beatings, land theft, firebombing of churches and other Christian institutions, denial of employment, economic boycotts, torture, kidnapping, forced marriage, sexual harassment, and extortion.Did I mention that FA Muslims have murdered Muslims who have converted to Christianity? It's 'cause the Koran says they should. I love the "religion of peace," don't you?
"Neither the Palestinian Christian leaders nor the PA want to reveal accurate statistics. That would mean the extent of the emigration would become publicly known. They would then have to face questions about the reasons for this decline."
Falacstinian Authority officials are directly responsible for these acts as they are the legal authority in Bethlehem, with many attacks on Christians being sanctioned by FA officials. I wonder if that subject comes up when anti-Jew Christian boycott groups get together for their Israeli bash sessions? I'm guessing no. BTW, in case you think this is only happening in Bethlehem, it is happening in all areas where Israel gave over control to the Arabs. It is also happening all over the Muslim occupied Middle East.
So all you anti-Israel Presbies, Lutherans, Methodists, United Church of Christers, and Episcopalians here's two questions for you:
1) Who was it that guaranteed freedom of religion and access to all holy places by all faiths in what you call the "occupied west bank" which Jesus called Judea and Samaria?
Answer: Israel.
2) What do you think will happen to the remainder of your Christian brethren in those areas if they continue to be controlled under the current Arab occupation, and Juan Hussein Peron Obambi gets his wish and Israel is forced to surrender Judea and Samaria?
Answer: They will be hounded, tortured, and murdered until they are all driven out or dead.
So, how stupid do you feel now?
Merry Fucking Christmas hypocrites.