Well folks that shit has hit the fan in Gaza. Hamas, the darlings of America's extreme left are now in control of the the most densely populated place on earth. Sure, you loved Hamas when they were killing Jews, but how you like these apples? Now watch the violence inherent in the system.
What do you think will happen first? Will it be women being forced to wear burquas, or honor killings? What's that? Hamas doesn't seem so great now that the persecution of women Taliban style is imminent. Fuck you you unthinking liberal douchebags. This is what happens when you take uneducated stands on things which you know nothing about. Your favorite past time.
For those of you who are a little lost at this point I am referring to the liberal douchebags who carried pro Palestinian/Hamas/anti Israel signs in New York in the run up to the 2004 Republican Convention. These lefties who run on platitudes and disinformation are just like guess who...the unthinking right wing douchebags who run on platitudes and disinformation. Guess what assholes? You're all fascists.
But let us leave Hamas to strangle his wife and move on to pastures new...the West Bank.
Fatah is now trying to crack down and eliminate Hamas from the West Bank. Don't kid yourselves people. This is not so that they can clear the way to head down the road of peace with Israel. This is so Mahmoud Abbas doesn't get whacked. This is self preservation people. At any time Fatah could have done this, knowing full well that Israel would never allow for the creation of a Palestinian state with Hamas elements in the government. But since Fatah's (read the PLO) agenda has always been the destruction of Israel, it had no reason to curb Hamas, who was so willing to do the dirty work of suicide bombings in Israel while Fatah attempted to don the sheep's clothing of political moderism. Fatah has never recognized Israel's right to exist. Only the truly stupid (that being virtually the entire planet) think that Fatah wants to coexist side by side with Israel.
But do you know who does want that? The Palestinian people who have been living in abject poverty at the hands of their so called leaders for the past 40 years. They know full well that neither Fatah or Hamas will deliver peace. They also know that Israel will continue restricting their movement, etc as long as the gun toting thugs of Fatah and Hamas are running things.
Perhaps Mahmoud Abbas is finally going to see the truth, as King Hussein of Jordan did before: Abbas will be dead if his party does not kiss Israel's ass. That means getting rid of Hamas. That means disbanding the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. That means outlawing terrorism. That means formally, and unequivocally recognizing Israel. If those things happen it might snow Los Angeles.
As far as Gaza goes Israel should do the following: Let it rot. Guess what people? There's a price to be paid for allowing your body politic to be based on the destruction of Israel. You elected these idiots. You knew what they represented. You made this bed. Now you get to lie in it. Sucks doesn't it? The Israel Defense Forces look pretty fucking good now don't they. Bet you wish they were still there. I am sorry that you have been eternally fucked by your leaders all these years. But again, you made that bed. You thought Israel would never survive. You thought wrong. You bet on the wrong side and you lost. For your sake I pray Hamas doesn't launch an offensive against Israel. If it does well, you better kiss your ass goodbye. Without anything resembling a reasonable political entity in Gaza, and with no Jews there, Israel has no incentive to not turn Gaza into a parking lot. Gather yourselves together and beg the international community to intervene on your behalf to remove Hamas from Gaza before something really bad happens.
This is not what I wanted for you. Arabs living in peace side by side with Jews...that is the vision of peace that lived in the hearts of Jews for decades. But this is out of our hands now. You are in the hands of brutal, uncaring thugs who will use you as leverage and human shields until you are all dead. Now is the time to rise up and tell the world this is not what you want. Tell the world you want peace with Israel. Tell them you want Hamas out of Gaza. At this point it may be your only way out of this. Yes, many of you will die at the hands of Hamas, but many of you have died already, and many more will die. At least die for something that might secure the future of your children.
Israel...what the hell are you gonna do? Your government is being run by an inept ninny who has continued to lead you down the road to nowhere. The only thing you have going for you at the moment is Ehud Barak who has hopefully learned the lesson of what happens when you appease those who want you dead. When Hamas attacks you must strike back. Concern for the civilian population of Gaza is no longer your concern. If civilians wish to evacuate to other Arab countries you should help facilitate that in coordination with the international community. Hamas will consolidate its power in Gaza accumulate weapons, declare itself an independent Islamic state, and then attack you. This will happen as sure as I shit unless Ban Kai Moon is able to get a legitimate international force to remove Hamas from power, and I think there's about as good a chance of that happening as there is for George Bush to sprout a brain.
So what we have here is a perfect storm and there is no one, and I mean no one, on the international stage with the knowledge, the strength, and will to navigate the parties out of this situation. I'm afraid there is going to be a bloodbath. I pray that I'm totally wrong.
Newcombe: Judicial Tyranny?
3 hours ago